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It’s no secret that spring brings about the want and need for children all over the world to do “something”.
But…what exactly are the options for spring activities for kids?
With these simple ideas and activities, you can be certain that you’re creating an amazing spring with your kids!
Choose one or choose them all, but be advised that some of these activities can be done throughout the year as well!
Spring Activities for Kids
With spring right around the corner, it’s time to start planning ahead for family-fun activities that everyone can enjoy!
While some of these may vary depending on the age of your child, all are great options to consider planning and for spring fun!
Take the time to start a garden
And not just any garden. But a garden that your little one can create on their very own.
Keep it simple and head to the store and buy an above ground boxed in garden that you can put together and add in the dirt and soil.
This way, you don’t have to worry about digging in the soil, but you can then just focus on letting your little one dig in the dirt and plant their very own garden.
Don’t forget to make it a fun family activity as well!
Head to the store and pick out the seeds to plant and get some fun gardening gear, too.
There’s nothing more fun than letting your kiddo take charge of planning and preparing their very own garden.
Not only does it give them a super fun spring activity to do, but they’ll also reap the rewards of fresh vegetables a few months down the road.
Plan a hometown tour
Don’t have the means or time to take a trip somewhere during Spring Break? Don’t worry!
Your town has so many options that you can utilize with ease.
Sit down together and list out EVERYTHING that you can do in your town and then plan out a couple each and every day or you can fill up your spring weekends with these activities.
Great resources that may offer fun activities for your family could be the library, local museums, art galleries or even cooking classes held at a local career center.
When you and your little ones take the time to plan out fun Spring Break activities in your town, you may be surprised by everything that is available at your fingertips!
Create an obstacle course in the backyard
Sitting and staring out the window looking for something to do is a waste of time.
Instead, empower your children to get out there and create something on their own.
And who doesn’t love a homemade obstacle course?
The great part about making an obstacle course in your very own backyard is that you can create it any way that you want!
Working together with your kids is also a great way to ensure awesome bonding moments and family memories.
Setting up a safe obstacle course is key so make certain that you’re using items that won’t cause any type of harm to your little ones.
Old pool noodles to hop over, canvas tunnels to crawl through, hula hoops to hop over…all good ideas and things that you can set up easily for your kiddos!
Host a neighborhood block party
Why not set up the coolest neighborhood block party, ever? (with the help of your kids of course!)
Start by having them make a guest list to ensure that all their friends can attend, then let them start planning out the menu as well.
While you may have to do the majority of the cooking, they can absolutely contribute by creating some fun finger food ideas, too!
Setting up veggies trays, fruit trays or icing of the cupcakes and treats are all kid-friendly activities that they can do themselves.
Then, once you have everything planned and ready to go, you can host the neighborhood in a family-friendly spring activity that everyone will love!
Get out and explore nature
Did you know that Mother Nature offers an abundance of kid-friendly family-fun activities that can literally fill your entire spring?
Have your kids lace up their boots and get their hike on or google geocaching in your area to see what you can find and explore.
One other great activity that you can do during spring is to get paint and decorate some rocks.
Once they’re painted, you and your children can then go hide those rocks around town for others to find.
Not only is this a fun and artistic activity, but they’ll love being able to hide them in the best places ever for others to “try” to find!
Visit granny and gramps for a few nights
Sometimes, one of the best things that kids would love to do is to visit other family members.
Why not ask Grandma and Grandpa if they’d like some company for a few days and let the kids go and get spoiled? (C’mon, you know that Grandma can’t say “no” to her little loves!)
Spring Break offers the perfect opportunity for an overnight stay or two to get in an abundance of snuggles and spoiling.
These are just a few fun spring activities for kids that aren’t hard to plan or pull off. If you find that your spring isn’t going to be full of traveling or going to and fro, these options are still just as fun!
Not only will they keep you and your kids active, but they offer a lot of variety too.
From artistic abilities to getting outdoors and exploring nature, each and every one of these Spring activities are ones that most children of any age can enjoy.
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